The AMAR Studio
It is aimed at couples who intend to get married in the coming months. If this is your situation, this is the project for you! We invite you to be part of it, thus helping to improve the marriages of the future.
It is aimed at couples who intend to get married in the coming months. If this is your situation, this is the project for you! We invite you to be part of it, thus helping to improve the marriages of the future.
To take part in the study, please fill in the form below
We will send you, each of you separately, a link to answer the initial questionnaire. It is an extensive questionnaire, which takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.
Your data will be treated with full confidentiality confidentiality and only the researchers of this project will have access to the data. Furthermore, whoever has access to the personal data (name, address...), will not have access to the answers given by the participants, which will be kept in a separate database.
During the follow-up of the study, you will receive questionnaires approximately every 2 years. much shorter (about 5 minutes).
Jeśli sobie tego życzysz, po wypełnieniu pierwszej ankiety, każdy z Was (osobno) otrzyma krótki raport powstały na podstawie niektórych Waszych odpowiedzi. Może on pomóc w polepszeniu Waszej relacji. Prześlemy również informację o wynikach, jakie uzyskaliśmy w całym projekcie. Dodatkowo, raz w roku, pary które wzięły udział w badaniu będą uczestniczyć w konkursie.
We thank you for your participation, which is indispensable to know the characteristics of successful marriages and to help other young people to better prepare themselves for married life.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at the following address: